The Psychology behind Color Schemes

The psychology of color impacts more than most realize on a daily basis. This should be taken into consideration whenever choosing a color scheme for furniture, paint and carpets in a room. A color scheme can influence and encourage the fundamental purpose of a space and influence how often it is actually used. You will […]

Tips for Keeping the Living Room Organized

  Aside from the bedroom, the living room is the only other space in a home that is meant for relaxation. However, the living room tends to become the overflow place for unnecessary bits and pieces from the day. Since this is the room where guests gather and where you and your family unwind at […]

Tips For Decorating With Furniture

Buying furniture is simple, you shop around, and choose what you like because you think it’s beautiful; the right color and style, and it fits your home. But once you get it all delivered, deciding exactly how to arrange each piece to best accentuate the beauty of the room, can be a bit more challenging. […]

Tips from the Pros: Rearranging Your Furniture

How Often & Why Your furniture collection consists of the heaviest items that you own in your house. Moreover, we know the last thing you want to hear us mention is moving these heavy items around. However, there’s a reason why you should do it often, and there are ways to do it easily. There […]

Introducing New Pets to Furniture

Owning a pet is a joy with one exception, and that is when you get new furniture. Today, it’s customary to purchase a furniture set that costs a hefty price and why not, you want it to look good, be comfortable and last a long time. However, a pet doesn’t understand the financial commitment you […]

How to Create a Contemporary Kitchen

Sleek and Simple Contemporary Style     A contemporary kitchen is one with a sleek style and uncluttered design. Clean and simple lines are important components when looking to create a true contemporary kitchen.   Design styles modern and contemporary are often linked together, but they are actually very different from each other. Contemporary is […]

Microfiber and Leather Couches work with Kids and Pets

  Getting new furniture right when you get a new pet or when you have kids probably seems like the world’s worst idea, but it’s actually really efficient. Here’s why- you’re expecting pets and children to ruin the couch. Then you figure you’ll just buy a new one when they move out, and the couch […]

How to Incorporate Rustic and Vintage Charm into a Room

Two of the most popular design trends today are rustic and vintage. Vintage décor is any piece that is 30 to 100 years old. A true vintage piece is one that best represents the style of the period it was made. Rustic is best described as pieces that are simplistic and charming. Most people relate […]

Home Office Furniture and Decor Ideas

  Working from home is attractive to many workers, and the trend seems to be growing. Sure, you have to work for yourself and filing taxes is a bit more arduous, but the benefits are awesome and inimitable; it’s worth it! More people are “getting it” and opting for an in-home office. Not only do […]

Creating a Rustic Look for Your Cottage

Half the fun and excitement of purchasing your new cottage is decorating it. From a traditional wood camp style, to a more modern natural design, there are myriad of possibilities to be creative and have fun. Fortunately, there are many diverse and stylish ways to bring that comfort and rustic feeling into your new camp […]