How to Prepare for Your Furniture Delivery

May 20th, 2024 Paul Dekker
two smiling furniture delivery men delivering furniture to a home

Congratulations on your brand-new piece of furniture! You’ve browsed all the top brands, tested your favourites in-store, selected the best option for your space, and signed all the paperwork to place your final order. Now, all that’s left to do is schedule your delivery date and prepare your space for its newest upgrade. So, what exactly does that require?

Fortunately, most stores cover the hardest aspects of getting a new piece of furniture into your home. Some will even set it up for you! However, there are a few steps you should take ahead of your scheduled delivery to help the process go as smoothly as possible.

Clear Your Schedule

With most furniture stores, after you buy your new piece, you will be asked to contact the store to set up a date and time for delivery. Once you’ve scheduled and confirmed your delivery time, clear your schedule for the entire morning or afternoon of. You will need to be there to sign for your delivery and direct the delivery people when they arrive, especially if they are also setting up your furniture for you.

Take a Few Measurements to Determine the Best Path

While all of your essential measurements should be completed before you place your order to ensure your new furniture will fit in your space, taking a few additional measurements ahead of delivery can help identify the easiest path for entry. Consider the height and width of doorways, hallways, and other spaces your piece will have to travel.

Pro Tip: If you live in an apartment building, remember to measure the common areas (lobby doors, stairwells, elevators) that delivery people will need to pass through.

Get Rid of Your Old Furniture

Until the furniture you’re replacing is out of the way, you won’t have any space for your new piece! Dispose of, sell, or donate your old furniture before your delivery date arrives. Many charitable organizations will arrange to pick up your old piece if you intend on donating it. Or, make things easy on yourself and buy your new furniture from a store that will take away your old furniture and help it find a new home for free (like Conway Furniture!).

If you cannot get your old furniture to its final destination in time, at least move it to the basement, garage, or an extra room to get it out of the way for your delivery team.

Clear the Delivery Path

Once your old furniture is out of the way, it’s time to focus on that delivery path you measured. Pick up and remove any clutter, other furniture pieces, wall art and décor, area rugs, and any other decorative pieces that will interfere with the delivery of your new furniture. You’ll need to ensure the delivery people and the furniture they’re carrying can pass through without anyone getting hurt or causing any damage. This includes parking lots, driveways, and entryways. Taping down a tarp or old sheet to protect your floors is also recommended. 

Ensure Pets and Children Are Out of the Way

One rogue cat or toddler can cause a lot of damage on delivery day. About 15 minutes before your furniture is scheduled to arrive, secure your pets in another room, crate, or outside. This will prevent them from getting in the way, getting hurt, or running out the door when the delivery people are bringing your new piece inside. For the same reasons, you’ll want to ensure your children are occupied in another room or send them out or to a friend’s house for a few hours while your delivery is completed.

At Conway Furniture, we offer free home furniture delivery and setup for customers in southwestern Ontario. We’ll even do our best to accommodate deliveries a little farther out to ensure your experience with us is beyond satisfactory!

Browse our furniture inventory online, and for more information about your upcoming furniture delivery, contact us at (519)291-3820 today. 

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