Sofa vs. Sectional: Which One Should I Choose?

July 15th, 2024 Paul Dekker
closeup of couch with decorative pillows

One of the reasons furniture shopping can be enjoyable is the wide variety to choose from for every room, style, and individual piece. This variety gives you many opportunities to get creative and craft the perfect space for you and your family.

When furnishing your living room, your sofa is the most important piece you buy. With so many options available, you must take the time to research and consider what will work best for your space and the members of your household.

The first question most people consider is whether to purchase a traditional or sectional sofa. If you’re struggling to determine which model is right for you, we have some expert intel to help you out!

What Is a sofa?

traditional sofa—also called a couch— consists of three cushions in a single row of seating. Sofas are available in various styles, colours, patterns, and sizes. They’re often paired with a loveseat for separate seating, which is a standard couch but smaller, with only two cushions.

What Is a Sectional?

sectional is a larger sofa that consists of two or more adjoining pieces. Sectionals also come in many different styles, shapes, and sizes. There are three common designs for sectionals:

  • Chaise Sectional—a regular three-seat sofa with a longer chaise seat attached at one end.
  • L-Shaped Sectional—made up of five or more cushions with two or more on either side of a mid-corner seat.
  • U-Shaped Sectional—a three-seat center sofa with two equal pieces of two or more cushions attached to each side.

Advantages of a Sofa

Smaller Size

Traditional sofas take up much less space than a sectional, making them ideal for smaller living rooms or other lounge spots in the house. A sofa leaves the room with more space for supporting and decorative pieces.


Because of its smaller size, a sofa can easily be moved when rearranging your living room. Sofas are also more flexible in terms of style, as they’re easy to mix and match with new pieces if you’re the type of person who likes to switch up your interior design every few years.

Personal Space

While a sofa may have less seating than a sectional, it can be supplemented with other pieces that offer you, family members, and guests more room to spread out. Love seats, recliners, accent chairs, and other smaller pieces can provide seating options that are just as comfortable but with more personal space for individuals.

Advantages of a Sectional

Plenty of Seating

The most obvious advantage of a sectional is that it offers ample seating in just one piece. You can use your space efficiently without making it feel crowded with furniture. Plus, you fill up the room and get all that seating for one price versus having to pay for multiple pieces.


Like sofas, sectionals come in many different shapes, styles, sizes, colours, patterns, etc. You can even get a sectional that reclines or has cupholders. Because they consist of multiple removable pieces, you can rearrange them around the room or buy only the ones you need or want.

Cozy & Casual

Many people prefer sectionals to sofas because they create a more intimate, homey atmosphere. With seating so close together, a sectional is ideal for families and in more casual settings. It’s often the perfect warm, inviting piece to bring together one of the most-used spaces in your home.

If you’re still having trouble deciding between a sofa or a sectional for your living room, contact the Conway Furniture team! Our furniture specialists can help you narrow down the best options for your space and set you up with the style, material, and other features that suit your vision. We carry an extensive variety of traditional sofas, loveseats, chairs, sectionals, and other living room pieces (online and in-store!) to help you complete your space.

Browse our inventory online or call (519)291-3820 to work with one of our professionals!

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