Whether you have just purchased a new home or are re-decorating a room you’ve spent years in, there are many things to consider and decisions to make. One of the most important components of designing a space you will love and feel comfortable in is tackling the colour scheme. We all need a little colour […]
Using Color Psychology to Help Perfect Your Space
Isn’t it amazing how you can walk into one room of the house and feel relaxed and at ease, but move to another and feel energized and ready to be productive? Have you ever thought about how that kind of affect is achieved? We’ll let you in on the secret—color! In the interior design world, […]
Living with Colour and Showcasing Your Personal Style
It’s exciting to see how many more individuals and decorators are moving towards colour this year, and not being so apprehensive about it. Having colour in our homes and in our lives is a beautiful thing! I couldn’t imagine my life without colour. Living in a world without colour is like living in a world […]