Where Should I Place My Bed in My Bedroom?

April 17th, 2019 Paul Dekker

Your bed is the most important piece of furniture in your bedroom—and for those more lethargic folk, maybe even in your entire house. Where you put it will determine the arrangement, style and feel of the entire room. A sleeping space with positive energy is crucial for good mental health and overall day-to-day functioning.

Bed placement is not a one-size-fits-all concept. There are many different “rules” designers have put forth outlining the best way to optimize bedroom interior design and create an atmosphere that feels just right; but they’re not all the same. We’ve highlighted a couple of things for you to consider when setting up your bedroom!Where Should I Place My Bed in My Bedroom?

The Door

Experts in feng shui tend to agree that the ideal bed placement is against the wall opposite from the door, but not in direct alignment with it. You want to be able to see the door, but not be in its direct path, so set up your bed diagonally from the entrance. This angled distance from the entryway gives you an added sense of security in that the room and the hallway outside of it is directly visible to you, without also leaving you completely exposed.

Some people, however, favor arranging their bed on the same wall as the door. You can experience a similar sense of security established in opposite wall placement by making yourself considerably less visible to potential intruders.

Being next to the door instead of across from it also prevents that pesky sunlight from shining through onto your bed and disturbing your sleep. It can also create a more private and intimate space if that’s the atmosphere you prefer for your bedroom.

The Wall

Generally, it’s a good idea to have a strong supporting wall behind you while you sleep to help you feel protected when you’re most vulnerable. Naturally, it also makes sense to keep the room balanced by placing the bed at the center along the wall, unless a fixed feature like a window prevents you from doing so.

We’ve heard it said that you know you’re truly an adult when you move your bed from the corner to the center of the room, but sometimes staging your bed in a corner of the room can be a unique way to catch the eye when you first walk in. This typically works best in a large bedroom, as this snug placement leaves you a lot of extra floor space to play around with.

If you’re feeling daring, you can even try sticking your bed directly in the center of the room! A bed that’s not against a wall is a dramatic focal point and can be particularly stunning if you’re working with a four-poster or canopy.

Use an area rug to anchor down an island layout without making it feel like the bed is floating. This type of arrangement is usually only cohesive in a very large area, in which there is enough room for furniture to be placed around the bed; it can even make an overwhelming space feel less empty.

The Space Around the Bed

You should surround your bed with furniture that conveys your sense of style and maintains a balanced space. If your bed is in the center of the wall, put a nightstand on each side; it doesn’t have to be the same one though!

Stuck in a small room? Try multi-functional furniture that doubles as hidden storage. Also consider comfort; place a carpet under the bottom two-thirds of the bed to make sure your feet have a soft place to land when you get up in the morning.

After you decide on the placement of your bed, start by setting up just the items you need—like a dresser or an armoire—so you know how much space you have left to decorate and embellish. Having trouble determining the best way to space everything out? Use our room planner to help you get a better picture!

The most important thing to remember when deciding where to put your bed is to do what feels right for you! Everybody is different; stick with what feels most comfortable—that’s the only way to ensure your room will be filled with the right energy for optimum rest and relaxation.

At Conway Furniture we’ll make sure you go home with the best quality and most unique furniture and décor to style the bedroom of your dreams.

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